sabi is a premium skincare and wellness brand rooted in acceptance and self-love. sabi cherishes your daily rituals as a way to nurture your mind, body and soul.
Our products are made from all-natural ingredients that are sourced from women cooperatives in Burkina Faso and Senegal, West Africa.
In 2016, our founder survived an accident that caused physical and emotional scars. As he embarked on his healing journey, he discovered Kintsugi, the Japanese art in which broken pottery is joined back together using gold. He spent months nourishing his skin with raw African shea butter and began to accept his physical scars. This inspired him to create a product for anyone on a journey to fully accept, nurture, and love themselves.
Like mended pottery that is brought back using precious material, imperfections or even differences should be valued and serve as reminders of our unique history and identity. "Sometimes you go through hardship and are broken to become a better and higher version of yourself. This shea butter balm became my gold as I was steadily putting myself back together mentally, physically and spiritually." - Maurice, sabi Founder